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Found 64 results for log2(Irr72h/Irr24h) between 0 and 1 and fdr <= 0.05. Showing entries 1-20.

Graph Cluster Transcripts Mean logCPM Classification Smed/Human type Human gene Annotation
1. MligTC455_29004 Mlig455_004701 3.08 ANK1 Mlig455_004701 {REF} {Length: 6457} {Pfam: Ankyrin repeats (3 copies) [PF12796.9, score=167.9]; Ankyrin repeats (many copies) [PF13637.8, score=154.0]; Ankyrin repeat [PF00023.32, score=138.0]; Ankyrin repeats (many copies) [PF13857.8, score=123.4]; Ankyrin repeat [PF13606.8, score=113.7]; Mab-21 protein [PF03281.16, score=30.8]} {Human: ENSG00000029534, ANK1, ankyrin 1, [Score=170, Expect=3e-43]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000031543, Ank1, ankyrin 1, erythroid, [Score=167, Expect=1e-42]} {Dmel: FBgn0261788, Ank2, Ankyrin 2, [Score=159, Expect=8e-40]} {Celegans: WBGene00006780, unc-44, AO66 ankyrin, [Score=160, Expect=2e-40]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_2072_0_5, dd_Smed_v6_2072_0_5, [Score=142, Expect=9e-35]} {RNA1509_1418, RNA1509_52877} {RNA1310_194.1, RNA1509_1418} {RNA1509_1418, RNA815_25433}
2. MligTC455_45271 Mlig455_064813 2.97 Muscle; Xins; Sexual_biased TNNT2 Mlig455_064813 {REF} {Length: 2069} {Pfam: Troponin [PF00992.22, score=42.4]} {Human: ENSG00000118194, TNNT2, troponin T2, cardiac type, [RH, Score=61.2, Expect=3e-10]; ENSG00000130595, TNNT3, troponin T3, fast skeletal type, [RH, Score=60.8, Expect=4e-10]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000061723, Tnnt3, troponin T3, skeletal, fast, [RH, Score=65.9, Expect=8e-12]; ENSMUSG00000026414, Tnnt2, troponin T2, cardiac, [RH, Score=63.5, Expect=8e-11]} {Dmel: FBgn0004169, up, upheld, [RH, Score=125, Expect=3e-32]} {Celegans: WBGene00006587, tnt-2, TropoNin T, [Score=98.2, Expect=2e-22]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_375_0_1, dd_Smed_v6_375_0_1, [Score=251, Expect=3e-81]} {RNA1509_801} {RNA1310_13127.1} {RNA815_1839.1} {SMEDTYPE: Muscle [dd_Smed_v6_375_0_1, RAB28, member RAS oncogene family (RAB28)]} {SMEDTYPE: Xins [raj_facs_types]} {SMEDTYPE: Sexual_biased [CUFF.81690.0]}
3. MligTC455_17465 Mlig455_031877 2.92 MEX3D Mlig455_031877 {REF} {Length: 2898} {Pfam: KH domain [PF00013.31, score=72.7]; KH domain [PF07650.19, score=22.9]; KH domain [PF13083.8, score=19.8]; NusA-like KH domain [PF13184.8, score=19.6]} {Human: ENSG00000181588, MEX3D, mex-3 RNA binding family member D, [RH, Score=115, Expect=1e-26]; ENSG00000183496, MEX3B, mex-3 RNA binding family member B, [RH, Score=114, Expect=2e-26]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000048696, Mex3d, mex3 RNA binding family member D, [RH, Score=116, Expect=6e-27]; ENSMUSG00000057706, Mex3b, mex3 RNA binding family member B, [RH, Score=114, Expect=1e-26]} {Dmel: FBgn0039920, CG11360, [Score=103, Expect=4e-23]} {Celegans: WBGene00003229, mex-3, Muscle EXcess, [Score=100, Expect=1e-22]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_1999_0_1, dd_Smed_v6_1999_0_1, [Score=65.5, Expect=4e-11]} {RNA1509_3569} {RNA1310_5120.1} {RNA815_1516.1}
4. MligTC455_47062 Mlig455_009982 2.83 Gut; Xins; Asexual_biased ALPL Mlig455_009982 {REF} {Length: 3334} {Pfam: Alkaline phosphatase [PF00245.22, score=397.2]} {Human: ENSG00000162551, ALPL, alkaline phosphatase, liver/bone/kidney, [Score=385, Expect=4e-127]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000028766, Alpl, alkaline phosphatase, liver/bone/kidney, [Score=377, Expect=2e-124]} {Dmel: FBgn0033423, CG1809, [RH, Score=327, Expect=5e-105]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_8942_0_1, dd_Smed_v6_8942_0_1, [RH, Score=326, Expect=9e-105]} {RNA1509_2387, RNA1509_26918, RNA1509_58331, RNA1509_6184} {RNA1310_4484.1, RNA1509_26918, RNA1509_58331, RNA1509_6184} {RNA1509_26918, RNA1509_58331, RNA1509_6184, RNA815_1537} {SMEDTYPE: Gut [dd_Smed_v6_8942_0_1, alkaline phosphatase, placental-like 2 (ALPPL2)]} {SMEDTYPE: Xins [raj_facs_types]} {SMEDTYPE: Asexual_biased [CUFF.288937.0]}
5. MligTC455_29970 Mlig455_018930 2.69 MATN2 Mlig455_018930 {REF} {Length: 3201} {tRNA: Ile(GAT), score=79.0} {Pfam: von Willebrand factor type A domain [PF00092.30, score=228.6]; von Willebrand factor type A domain [PF13519.8, score=101.4]; von Willebrand factor type A domain [PF13768.8, score=59.5]; Protein of unknown function (DUF1194) [PF06707.13, score=39.9]; VWA domain containing CoxE-like protein [PF05762.16, score=39.0]} {Human: ENSG00000132561, MATN2, matrilin 2, [Score=96.3, Expect=6e-20]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000022324, Matn2, matrilin 2, [Score=96.7, Expect=3e-20]} {Celegans: WBGene00000853, cut-6, CUTiclin, [RH, Score=76.6, Expect=2e-14]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_2674_0_1, dd_Smed_v6_2674_0_1, [RH, Score=96.3, Expect=1e-20]} {RNA1509_17763} {RNA1310_10171} {RNA815_2915.1}
6. MligTC455_49925 Mlig455_064457 2.59 Mlig455_064457 {REF} {Length: 2074} {RNA1509_11575, RNA1509_47467, RNA1509_51886, RNA1509_59587} {RNA1310_82147.1, RNA1509_11575, RNA1509_47467, RNA1509_51886, RNA1509_59587} {RNA1509_11575, RNA1509_47467, RNA1509_51886, RNA1509_59587, RNA815_19226.1}
7. MligTC455_36371 Mlig455_005636 2.54 C6orf120 Mlig455_005636 {REF} {Length: 4589} {TRANSSPLICED} {Pfam: Putative cytokine, C6ORF120 [PF17065.7, score=46.3]} {Human: ENSG00000185127, C6orf120, chromosome 6 open reading frame 120, [Score=52.8, Expect=5e-08]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000050088, 1600012H06Rik, RIKEN cDNA 1600012H06 gene, [Score=52.4, Expect=5e-08]} {RNA1509_33302, RNA1509_46654} {RNA1310_15958, RNA1509_46654} {RNA1509_46654, RNA815_10779}
8. MligTC455_44830 Mlig455_067106 2.47 Neural (non-ciliated); Xins ACHE Mlig455_067106 {REF} {Length: 3333} {Pfam: Carboxylesterase family [PF00135.30, score=354.1]} {Human: ENSG00000087085, ACHE, acetylcholinesterase (Cartwright blood group), [Score=217, Expect=4e-60]; ENSG00000196338, NLGN3, neuroligin 3, [Score=208, Expect=1e-55]; ENSG00000114200, BCHE, butyrylcholinesterase, [Score=207, Expect=7e-57]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000027792, Bche, butyrylcholinesterase, [Score=205, Expect=5e-56]; ENSMUSG00000023328, Ache, acetylcholinesterase, [Score=204, Expect=1e-55]; ENSMUSG00000031302, Nlgn3, neuroligin 3, [Score=199, Expect=7e-53]} {Dmel: FBgn0001987, Gli, Gliotactin, [Score=194, Expect=9e-51]} {Celegans: WBGene00000035, ace-1, Acetylcholinesterase 1, [Score=204, Expect=6e-56]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_10334_0_1, dd_Smed_v6_10334_0_1, [Score=194, Expect=2e-52]} {RNA1509_10255} {RNA1310_6017, RNA1509_10255} {RNA1509_10255, RNA815_1818} {SMEDTYPE: Neural (non-ciliated) [dd_Smed_v6_10334_0_1, butyrylcholinesterase (BCHE)]} {SMEDTYPE: Xins [raj_facs_types]}
9. MligTC455_36727 Mlig455_013448, Mlig455_013407 2.47

Mlig455_013448 {REF} {Length: 3532} {RNA1509_17696} {RNA1310_1688.1} {RNA815_14547}

Mlig455_013407 {REF} {Length: 3635} {RNA1509_12599, RNA1509_16053, RNA1509_17696, RNA1509_23340, RNA1509_38884, RNA1509_44611} {RNA1310_1688.1, RNA1509_12599, RNA1509_16053, RNA1509_17696, RNA1509_23340, RNA1509_38884, RNA1509_44611} {RNA1509_12599, RNA1509_16053, RNA1509_17696, RNA1509_23340, RNA1509_38884, RNA1509_44611, RNA815_14547}
10. MligTC455_24966 Mlig455_003712 2.46 X1 EIF1AY Mlig455_003712 {REF} {Length: 1962} {Pfam: Translation initiation factor 1A / IF-1 [PF01176.21, score=83.0]} {Human: ENSG00000198692, EIF1AY, eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A Y-linked, [RH, Score=204, Expect=2e-68]; ENSG00000173674, EIF1AX, eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A X-linked, [RH, Score=204, Expect=2e-68]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000067194, Eif1ax, eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A, X-linked, [RH, Score=204, Expect=1e-68]; ENSMUSG00000057561, Eif1a, eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A, [RH, Score=203, Expect=7e-68]; ENSMUSG00000113201, Gm21936, predicted gene, 21936, [RH, Score=202, Expect=1e-67]; ENSMUSG00000093847, Gm5039, predicted gene 5039, [RH, Score=202, Expect=2e-67]; ENSMUSG00000113805, Gm5788, predicted pseudogene 5788, [RH, Score=202, Expect=1e-67]; ENSMUSG00000072905, Gm2016, predicted gene 2016, [RH, Score=201, Expect=4e-67]; ENSMUSG00000079029, Gm5662, predicted gene 5662, [RH, Score=200, Expect=7e-67]; ENSMUSG00000079034, Gm8300, predicted gene 8300, [RH, Score=200, Expect=9e-67]; ENSMUSG00000095799, Gm8332, predicted pseudogene 8332, [RH, Score=200, Expect=9e-67]; ENSMUSG00000095717, Gm2056, predicted gene 2056, [RH, Score=199, Expect=3e-66]; ENSMUSG00000096803, Gm6803, predicted gene 6803, [RH, Score=196, Expect=5e-65]; ENSMUSG00000096049, Gm2075, predicted gene 2075, [RH, Score=196, Expect=5e-65]; ENSMUSG00000096619, Gm2035, predicted pseudogene 2035, [RH, Score=195, Expect=1e-64]; ENSMUSG00000113971, Gm2022, predicted pseudogene 2022, [RH, Score=194, Expect=2e-64]} {Dmel: FBgn0026250, eIF1A, eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A, [RH, Score=217, Expect=2e-73]} {Celegans: WBGene00019162, eif-1.A, Eukaryotic Initiation Factor, [RH, Score=189, Expect=7e-62]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_334_0_1, dd_Smed_v6_334_0_1, [RH, Score=225, Expect=2e-76]} {RNA1509_15613, RNA1509_270, RNA1509_8383} {RNA1310_31581, RNA1509_15613, RNA1509_270, RNA1509_8383} {RNA1509_15613, RNA1509_270, RNA1509_8383, RNA815_13282} {SMEDTYPE: X1 [raj_facs_types]}
11. MligTC455_27706 Mlig455_067066, Mlig455_062883 2.35 Xins PLB1

Mlig455_067066 {REF} {Length: 2617} {Pfam: GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase [PF00657.24, score=81.6]; GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase family [PF13472.8, score=39.8]} {Human: ENSG00000163803, PLB1, phospholipase B1, [Score=295, Expect=8e-89]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000029134, Plb1, phospholipase B1, [Score=293, Expect=1e-88]} {Dmel: FBgn0036939, CG7365, [Score=223, Expect=2e-68]} {Celegans: WBGene00008621, F09C8.1, [Score=225, Expect=4e-70]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_2690_0_1, dd_Smed_v6_2690_0_1, [Score=229, Expect=2e-71]} {RNA1509_803} {RNA1310_23197} {RNA815_9262} {SMEDTYPE: Xins [raj_facs_types]}

Mlig455_062883 {REF} {Length: 2049} {Pfam: GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase [PF00657.24, score=76.2]; GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase family [PF13472.8, score=37.5]} {Human: ENSG00000163803, PLB1, phospholipase B1, [RH, Score=286, Expect=1e-85]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000029134, Plb1, phospholipase B1, [RH, Score=298, Expect=3e-93]} {Dmel: FBgn0036939, CG7365, [Score=226, Expect=1e-69]} {Celegans: WBGene00012201, W02B12.1, [RH, Score=225, Expect=1e-69]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_2690_0_1, dd_Smed_v6_2690_0_1, [Score=231, Expect=1e-71]} {RNA1509_3849} {RNA1310_23197} {RNA815_9262} {SMEDTYPE: Xins [raj_facs_types]}
12. MligTC455_48898 Mlig455_032635 2.29 ZMAT5 Mlig455_032635 {REF} {Length: 1574} {TRANSSPLICED} {Pfam: U1 zinc finger [PF06220.14, score=32.4]; Zinc finger C-x8-C-x5-C-x3-H type (and similar) [PF00642.26, score=31.4]; CCCH-type zinc finger [PF18044.3, score=21.6]} {Human: ENSG00000100319, ZMAT5, zinc finger matrin-type 5, [RH, Score=84.3, Expect=5e-21]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000009076, Zmat5, zinc finger, matrin type 5, [RH, Score=86.7, Expect=5e-22]} {Dmel: FBgn0051922, CG31922, [RH, Score=62.8, Expect=3e-13]} {RNA1509_25470, RNA1509_41239, RNA1509_5105} {RNA1310_46040, RNA1509_25470, RNA1509_41239, RNA1509_5105} {RNA1509_25470, RNA1509_41239, RNA1509_5105, RNA815_33908}
13. MligTC455_17882 Mlig455_030854, Mlig455_017550 2.03

Mlig455_030854 {REF} {Length: 1811} {RNA1509_41365, RNA1509_5435} {RNA1310_16003, RNA1509_41365} {RNA1509_41365, RNA815_8431}

Mlig455_017550 {REF} {Length: 2052} {Pfam: Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel [PF00858.26, score=68.3]} {RNA1509_5435} {RNA1310_16003} {RNA815_8431}
14. MligTC455_22586 Mlig455_013955 2 Asexual_biased ALAS1 Mlig455_013955 {REF} {Length: 2769} {TRANSSPLICED} {Pfam: Aminotransferase class I and II [PF00155.23, score=232.2]; 5-aminolevulinate synthase presequence [PF09029.12, score=30.6]} {Human: ENSG00000023330, ALAS1, 5'-aminolevulinate synthase 1, [RH, Score=457, Expect=2e-154]; ENSG00000158578, ALAS2, 5'-aminolevulinate synthase 2, [RH, Score=447, Expect=7e-152]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000025270, Alas2, aminolevulinic acid synthase 2, erythroid, [RH, Score=459, Expect=4e-156]; ENSMUSG00000032786, Alas1, aminolevulinic acid synthase 1, [RH, Score=458, Expect=7e-155]} {Dmel: FBgn0020764, Alas, Aminolevulinate synthase, [RH, Score=468, Expect=3e-160]} {Celegans: WBGene00012007, T25B9.1, [Score=192, Expect=1e-55]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_1226_0_1, dd_Smed_v6_1226_0_1, [RH, Score=514, Expect=6e-179]} {RNA1509_10558, RNA1509_18851} {RNA1310_6926, RNA1509_10558} {RNA1509_10558, RNA815_6349} {SMEDTYPE: Asexual_biased [CUFF.125272.0]}
15. MligTC455_20620 Mlig455_021215, Mlig455_021169 1.88 NEURL1B

Mlig455_021215 {REF} {Length: 1750} {Pfam: Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) [PF13920.8, score=46.4]; Prokaryotic RING finger family 4 [PF14447.8, score=25.0]; Ring finger domain [PF13639.8, score=19.4]} {Human: ENSG00000214357, NEURL1B, neuralized E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1B, [RH, Score=70.1, Expect=3e-12]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000034413, Neurl1b, neuralized E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1B, [RH, Score=70.1, Expect=2e-12]} {Celegans: WBGene00007529, C11H1.3, [Score=50.4, Expect=2e-06]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_10841_0_1, dd_Smed_v6_10841_0_1, [Score=50.1, Expect=2e-06]} {RNA1509_24785, RNA1509_53581} {RNA1310_17020.1, RNA1509_53581} {RNA1509_53581, RNA815_6731}

Mlig455_021169 {REF} {Length: 1771} {Pfam: Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) [PF13920.8, score=46.4]; Prokaryotic RING finger family 4 [PF14447.8, score=24.9]; Ring finger domain [PF13639.8, score=19.4]} {Human: ENSG00000214357, NEURL1B, neuralized E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1B, [RH, Score=70.1, Expect=2e-12]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000034413, Neurl1b, neuralized E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1B, [RH, Score=70.1, Expect=2e-12]} {Celegans: WBGene00007529, C11H1.3, [Score=50.4, Expect=2e-06]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_10841_0_1, dd_Smed_v6_10841_0_1, [Score=50.1, Expect=2e-06]} {RNA1509_24785, RNA1509_7528} {RNA1310_17020.1, RNA1509_24785, RNA1509_7528} {RNA1509_24785, RNA1509_7528, RNA815_6731}
16. MligTC455_47492 Mlig455_054515 1.71 Xins; Asexual_biased RMDN1 Mlig455_054515 {REF} {Length: 1182} {TRANSSPLICED} {Pfam: Tetratricopeptide repeat [PF07719.19, score=30.0]; Tetratricopeptide repeat [PF00515.30, score=29.7]; Tetratricopeptide repeat [PF14559.8, score=26.4]; Tetratricopeptide repeat [PF13431.8, score=22.8]; Tetratricopeptide repeat [PF13424.8, score=21.8]; TPR repeat [PF13414.8, score=19.4]} {Human: ENSG00000176623, RMDN1, regulator of microtubule dynamics 1, [Score=129, Expect=1e-36]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000028229, Rmdn1, regulator of microtubule dynamics 1, [Score=127, Expect=2e-36]} {Celegans: WBGene00009369, F33H2.6, [Score=122, Expect=1e-34]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_502_0_1, dd_Smed_v6_502_0_1, [Score=167, Expect=4e-53]} {RNA1509_1824} {RNA1310_14661.1} {RNA815_10973.1} {SMEDTYPE: Xins [raj_facs_types]} {SMEDTYPE: Asexual_biased [CUFF.63215.0]}
17. MligTC455_44565 Mlig455_048514, Mlig455_047168 1.7 Xins RAC2

Mlig455_048514 {REF} {Length: 1120} {Pfam: Ras family [PF00071.24, score=185.6]; Ras of Complex, Roc, domain of DAPkinase [PF08477.15, score=82.4]; ADP-ribosylation factor family [PF00025.23, score=28.3]} {Human: ENSG00000128340, RAC2, Rac family small GTPase 2, [Score=320, Expect=1e-112]; ENSG00000136238, RAC1, Rac family small GTPase 1, [Score=313, Expect=4e-110]; ENSG00000169750, RAC3, Rac family small GTPase 3, [Score=305, Expect=9e-107]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000033220, Rac2, Rac family small GTPase 2, [Score=317, Expect=1e-111]; ENSMUSG00000001847, Rac1, Rac family small GTPase 1, [Score=313, Expect=3e-110]; ENSMUSG00000018012, Rac3, Rac family small GTPase 3, [Score=305, Expect=6e-107]} {Dmel: FBgn0010333, Rac1, [Score=307, Expect=6e-108]} {Celegans: WBGene00000424, ced-10, Ras-related protein ced-10, [Score=310, Expect=3e-109]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_610_0_1, dd_Smed_v6_610_0_1, [Score=298, Expect=2e-104]} {RNA1509_17328} {RNA1310_16647.1, RNA1509_17328} {RNA1509_17328, RNA815_7231.1} {SMEDTYPE: Xins [raj_facs_types]}

Mlig455_047168 {REF} {Length: 1065} {Pfam: Ras family [PF00071.24, score=185.6]; Ras of Complex, Roc, domain of DAPkinase [PF08477.15, score=82.4]; ADP-ribosylation factor family [PF00025.23, score=28.3]} {Human: ENSG00000128340, RAC2, Rac family small GTPase 2, [Score=320, Expect=1e-112]; ENSG00000136238, RAC1, Rac family small GTPase 1, [Score=313, Expect=4e-110]; ENSG00000169750, RAC3, Rac family small GTPase 3, [Score=305, Expect=9e-107]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000033220, Rac2, Rac family small GTPase 2, [Score=317, Expect=1e-111]; ENSMUSG00000001847, Rac1, Rac family small GTPase 1, [Score=313, Expect=3e-110]; ENSMUSG00000018012, Rac3, Rac family small GTPase 3, [Score=305, Expect=6e-107]} {Dmel: FBgn0010333, Rac1, [Score=307, Expect=6e-108]} {Celegans: WBGene00000424, ced-10, Ras-related protein ced-10, [Score=310, Expect=3e-109]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_610_0_1, dd_Smed_v6_610_0_1, [Score=298, Expect=2e-104]} {RNA1509_15524, RNA1509_17328} {RNA1310_16647.1, RNA1509_15524} {RNA1509_15524, RNA815_7231.1} {SMEDTYPE: Xins [raj_facs_types]}
18. MligTC455_20892 Mlig455_027320 1.56 Xins; Asexual_biased WASHC4 Mlig455_027320 {REF} {Length: 4661} {TRANSSPLICED} {Pfam: WASH complex subunit 7, N-terminal [PF14745.8, score=495.1]; WASH complex subunit 7 [PF14744.8, score=493.3]; WASH complex subunit 7, C-terminal [PF14746.8, score=219.7]} {Human: ENSG00000136051, WASHC4, WASH complex subunit 4, [RH, Score=1102, Expect=0.0]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000034560, Washc4, WASH complex subunit 4, [RH, Score=1077, Expect=0.0]} {Dmel: FBgn0030739, SWIP, Strumpellin and WASH-interacting protein, [RH, Score=396, Expect=5e-119]} {Celegans: WBGene00013167, Y53F4B.21, [RH, Score=182, Expect=2e-46]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_4183_0_1, dd_Smed_v6_4183_0_1, [RH, Score=771, Expect=0.0]} {RNA1509_4414} {RNA1310_2621} {RNA815_772} {SMEDTYPE: Xins [raj_facs_types]} {SMEDTYPE: Asexual_biased [CUFF.474021.0]}
19. MligTC455_39599 Mlig455_051652 1.54 SRSF10 Mlig455_051652 {REF} {Length: 996} {Pfam: RNA recognition motif. (a.k.a. RRM, RBD, or RNP domain) [PF00076.24, score=66.5]} {Human: ENSG00000188529, SRSF10, serine and arginine rich splicing factor 10, [RH, Score=89.7, Expect=2e-20]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000028676, Srsf10, serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 10, [RH, Score=89.7, Expect=1e-20]; ENSMUSG00000054679, Srsf12, serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 12, [RH, Score=88.6, Expect=3e-20]} {Dmel: FBgn0263829, CG34334, [Score=64.7, Expect=2e-11]} {Celegans: WBGene00004387, rnp-4, RNA-binding protein 8A, [Score=65.1, Expect=5e-13]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_661_0_6, dd_Smed_v6_661_0_6, [RH, Score=102, Expect=1e-27]} {RNA1509_1745} {RNA1310_13715.1} {RNA815_6033.1}
20. MligTC455_45990 Mlig455_045088 1.5 Mlig455_045088 {REF} {Length: 1378} {RNA1509_24520, RNA1509_51196} {RNA1310_67350, RNA1509_24520, RNA1509_51196} {RNA1509_24520, RNA1509_51196, RNA815_35145}
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