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Found 2774 results for log2(Irr12h/Irr0h) <= -1 and fdr <= 0.05. Showing entries 1-20.

Graph Cluster Transcripts Mean logCPM Classification Smed/Human type Human gene Annotation
1. MligTC455_23931 Mlig455_069319 3.99


 Int S/G2/M 


Epidermis I; Xins; Asexual_biased Mlig455_069319 {REF} {Length: 2278} {Pfam: Immunoglobulin domain [PF13927.8, score=47.4]; Immunoglobulin I-set domain [PF07679.18, score=43.5]; Immunoglobulin domain [PF13895.8, score=34.1]; Immunoglobulin domain [PF00047.27, score=28.5]; Immunoglobulin V-set domain [PF07686.19, score=28.4]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_2673_0_1, dd_Smed_v6_2673_0_1, [Score=63.9, Expect=2e-10]} {RNA1509_15245, RNA1509_3600, RNA1509_390, RNA1509_42, RNA1509_43026, RNA1509_95} {RNA1310_10769, RNA1509_15245, RNA1509_3600, RNA1509_390, RNA1509_42, RNA1509_43026, RNA1509_95} {RNA1509_15245, RNA1509_3600, RNA1509_390, RNA1509_42, RNA1509_43026, RNA1509_95, RNA815_3639} {SMEDTYPE: Epidermis I [dd_Smed_v6_2673_0_1, contactin 2 (axonal) (CNTN2)]} {SMEDTYPE: Xins [raj_facs_types]} {SMEDTYPE: Asexual_biased [CUFF.293672.0]}
2. MligTC455_32712 Mlig455_006504 3.92


 Int S/G2/M 


WBP2NL Mlig455_006504 {REF} {Length: 1205} {Human: ENSG00000183066, WBP2NL, WBP2 N-terminal like, [RH, Score=54.7, Expect=3e-08]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000022455, Wbp2nl, WBP2 N-terminal like, [Score=59.3, Expect=1e-09]} {RNA1509_47} {RNA1310_34773.1} {RNA815_15363.2}
3. MligTC455_32713 Mlig455_006624 3.91


 Int S/G2/M 


WBP2NL Mlig455_006624 {REF} {Length: 1237} {Human: ENSG00000183066, WBP2NL, WBP2 N-terminal like, [RH, Score=53.9, Expect=6e-08]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000022455, Wbp2nl, WBP2 N-terminal like, [Score=56.6, Expect=9e-09]} {RNA1509_19310, RNA1509_48578, RNA1509_52628} {RNA1310_34773.1, RNA1509_19310, RNA1509_52628} {RNA1509_19310, RNA1509_52628, RNA815_15363.1}
4. MligTC455_25250 Mlig455_070108, Mlig455_009753 3.63


 Int S/G2/M 



Mlig455_070108 {REF} {Length: 3239} {TRANSSPLICED} {Pfam: DEAD/DEAH box helicase [PF00270.31, score=147.1]; Helicase conserved C-terminal domain [PF00271.33, score=98.3]} {Human: ENSG00000110367, DDX6, DEAD-box helicase 6, [RH, Score=659, Expect=0.0]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000032097, Ddx6, DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 6, [RH, Score=659, Expect=0.0]} {Dmel: FBgn0004419, me31B, maternal expression at 31B, [RH, Score=651, Expect=0.0]} {Celegans: WBGene00000479, cgh-1, ATP-dependent RNA helicase cgh-1, [RH, Score=641, Expect=0.0]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_1034_0_1, dd_Smed_v6_1034_0_1, [RH, Score=701, Expect=0.0]} {RNA1509_2093, RNA1509_85} {RNA1310_2612, RNA1509_2093, RNA1509_85} {RNA1509_2093, RNA1509_85, RNA815_1155.1} {SMEDTYPE: X1 [raj_facs_types]}

Mlig455_009753 {REF} {Length: 3240} {TRANSSPLICED} {Pfam: DEAD/DEAH box helicase [PF00270.31, score=147.1]; Helicase conserved C-terminal domain [PF00271.33, score=98.3]} {Human: ENSG00000110367, DDX6, DEAD-box helicase 6, [RH, Score=659, Expect=0.0]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000032097, Ddx6, DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 6, [RH, Score=659, Expect=0.0]} {Dmel: FBgn0004419, me31B, maternal expression at 31B, [RH, Score=651, Expect=0.0]} {Celegans: WBGene00000479, cgh-1, ATP-dependent RNA helicase cgh-1, [RH, Score=641, Expect=0.0]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_1034_0_1, dd_Smed_v6_1034_0_1, [RH, Score=701, Expect=0.0]} {RNA1509_16545, RNA1509_2093} {RNA1310_2612, RNA1509_16545} {RNA1509_16545, RNA815_1155.1} {SMEDTYPE: X1 [raj_facs_types]}
5. MligTC455_30451 Mlig455_058254, Mlig455_016495 3.47



Mlig455_058254 {REF} {Length: 1559} {Pfam: Hsp20/alpha crystallin family [PF00011.23, score=96.8]; HSP20-like domain found in ArsA [PF17886.3, score=34.3]} {Human: ENSG00000106211, HSPB1, heat shock protein family B (small) member 1, [RH, Score=55.8, Expect=7e-09]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000004951, Hspb1, heat shock protein 1, [RH, Score=52.0, Expect=1e-07]} {Dmel: FBgn0031037, CG14207, [RH, Score=64.7, Expect=2e-12]} {Celegans: WBGene00002023, hsp-25, Heat Shock Protein, [RH, Score=72.0, Expect=6e-15]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_1039_0_1, dd_Smed_v6_1039_0_1, [RH, Score=96.7, Expect=1e-23]} {RNA1509_1006, RNA1509_11862, RNA1509_143, RNA1509_58} {RNA1310_17173.1, RNA1509_1006, RNA1509_11862, RNA1509_143, RNA1509_58} {RNA1509_1006, RNA1509_11862, RNA1509_143, RNA1509_58, RNA815_5698.1} {SMEDTYPE: X1 [raj_facs_types]}

Mlig455_016495 {REF} {Length: 3506} {NoTransDecoderORF} {RNA1509_20157} {RNA1310_1800.1} {RNA815_318.1}
6. MligTC455_34926 Mlig455_049261 3.46


Mlig455_049261 {REF} {Length: 1468} {Pfam: Kazal-type serine protease inhibitor domain [PF07648.17, score=22.6]; Kazal-type serine protease inhibitor domain [PF00050.23, score=20.2]} {RNA1509_1153, RNA1509_119, RNA1509_132, RNA1509_2899, RNA1509_4374, RNA1509_493, RNA1509_5617, RNA1509_6040, RNA1509_8295} {RNA1310_21471.1, RNA1509_1153, RNA1509_119, RNA1509_132, RNA1509_2899, RNA1509_4374, RNA1509_493, RNA1509_5617, RNA1509_6040, RNA1509_8295} {RNA1509_1153, RNA1509_119, RNA1509_132, RNA1509_2899, RNA1509_4374, RNA1509_493, RNA1509_5617, RNA1509_6040, RNA1509_8295, RNA815_8148.1}
7. MligTC455_37174 Mlig455_038112 3.41


Mlig455_038112 {REF} {Length: 1549} {RNA1509_25356} {RNA1310_8331} {RNA815_3206.1}
8. MligTC455_22871 Mlig455_016354 3.4


 Int S/G2/M 


X1 LSM14A Mlig455_016354 {REF} {Length: 3102} {Pfam: Scd6-like Sm domain [PF12701.9, score=92.0]; Ataxin 2 SM domain [PF14438.8, score=27.6]; Transcription factor IIA, alpha/beta subunit [PF03153.15, score=22.7]} {Human: ENSG00000262860, LSM14A, LSM14A, mRNA processing body assembly factor, [Score=121, Expect=5e-29]; ENSG00000257103, LSM14A, LSM14A, mRNA processing body assembly factor, [Score=121, Expect=5e-29]; ENSG00000149657, LSM14B, LSM family member 14B, [Score=115, Expect=7e-28]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000066568, Lsm14a, LSM14A mRNA processing body assembly factor, [Score=119, Expect=2e-28]} {Dmel: FBgn0041775, tral, trailer hitch, [RH, Score=103, Expect=9e-23]} {Celegans: WBGene00012484, car-1, Cytokinesis, Apoptosis, RNA-associated, [Score=112, Expect=5e-27]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_1125_0_1, dd_Smed_v6_1125_0_1, [Score=117, Expect=4e-28]} {RNA1509_1224, RNA1509_18892, RNA1509_244, RNA1509_24782, RNA1509_40925, RNA1509_55470, RNA1509_6395} {RNA1310_6619.1, RNA1509_1224, RNA1509_18892, RNA1509_244, RNA1509_24782, RNA1509_40925, RNA1509_55470, RNA1509_6395} {RNA1509_1224, RNA1509_18892, RNA1509_244, RNA1509_24782, RNA1509_40925, RNA1509_55470, RNA1509_6395, RNA815_18.1} {SMEDTYPE: X1 [raj_facs_types]}
9. MligTC455_22707 Mlig455_009989 3.39


Neoblast; X1 TUBA1C Mlig455_009989 {REF} {Length: 1894} {Pfam: Tubulin/FtsZ family, GTPase domain [PF00091.27, score=223.0]; Tubulin C-terminal domain [PF03953.19, score=169.7]} {Human: ENSG00000167553, TUBA1C, tubulin alpha 1c, [Score=732, Expect=0.0]; ENSG00000123416, TUBA1B, tubulin alpha 1b, [Score=730, Expect=0.0]; ENSG00000198033, TUBA3C, tubulin alpha 3c, [Score=728, Expect=0.0]; ENSG00000075886, TUBA3D, tubulin alpha 3d, [Score=728, Expect=0.0]; ENSG00000167552, TUBA1A, tubulin alpha 1a, [Score=728, Expect=0.0]; ENSG00000127824, TUBA4A, tubulin alpha 4a, [Score=721, Expect=0.0]; ENSG00000152086, TUBA3E, tubulin alpha 3e, [Score=717, Expect=0.0]; ENSG00000183785, TUBA8, tubulin alpha 8, [Score=709, Expect=0.0]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000043091, Tuba1c, tubulin, alpha 1C, [Score=732, Expect=0.0]; ENSMUSG00000023004, Tuba1b, tubulin, alpha 1B, [Score=730, Expect=0.0]; ENSMUSG00000067702, Tuba3a, tubulin, alpha 3A, [Score=728, Expect=0.0]; ENSMUSG00000072235, Tuba1a, tubulin, alpha 1A, [Score=728, Expect=0.0]; ENSMUSG00000067338, Tuba3b, tubulin, alpha 3B, [Score=728, Expect=0.0]; ENSMUSG00000026202, Tuba4a, tubulin, alpha 4A, [Score=721, Expect=0.0]; ENSMUSG00000030137, Tuba8, tubulin, alpha 8, [Score=706, Expect=0.0]} {Dmel: FBgn0003885, alphaTub84D, alpha-Tubulin at 84D, [Score=719, Expect=0.0]} {Celegans: WBGene00006529, tba-2, Tubulin alpha-2 chain, [Score=724, Expect=0.0]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_648_0_1, dd_Smed_v6_648_0_1, [Score=707, Expect=0.0]} {RNA1509_107, RNA1509_11579, RNA1509_1629} {RNA1310_16855, RNA1509_107, RNA1509_11579, RNA1509_1629} {RNA1509_107, RNA1509_11579, RNA1509_1629, RNA815_6242.1} {SMEDTYPE: Neoblast [dd_Smed_v6_648_0_1, NA]} {SMEDTYPE: X1 [raj_facs_types]}
10. MligTC455_33283 Mlig455_051062 3.31


Mlig455_051062 {REF} {Length: 2962} {Pfam: IQ calmodulin-binding motif [PF00612.29, score=21.6]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000031620, Iqcm, IQ motif containing M, [RH, Score=117, Expect=3e-28]} {RNA1509_32167} {RNA1310_961} {RNA815_7534}
11. MligTC455_30092 Mlig455_061568, Mlig455_046255 3.19


Mlig455_061568 {REF} {Length: 980} {Pfam: Carbohydrate binding [PF10645.11, score=32.4]} {RNA1509_829} {RNA1310_10803} {RNA815_865.1}

Mlig455_046255 {REF} {Length: 701} {NoTransDecoderORF} {RNA1509_829} {RNA1310_10803} {RNA815_13313}
12. MligTC455_34709 Mlig455_053929 3.15


ERICH1 Mlig455_053929 {REF} {Length: 2265} {Human: ENSG00000104714, ERICH1, glutamate rich 1, [Score=49.3, Expect=1e-05]} {RNA1509_22066, RNA1509_269} {RNA1310_15377.1, RNA1509_22066} {RNA1509_22066, RNA815_2813.1}
13. MligTC455_37173 Mlig455_019983 3.05


 Int S/G2/M 


Mlig455_019983 {REF} {Length: 1640} {RNA1509_25356} {RNA1310_8331} {RNA815_3206.1}
14. MligTC455_34668 Mlig455_034083 3.01


Muscle; Xins; Asexual_biased COL5A2 Mlig455_034083 {REF} {Length: 11888} {Human: ENSG00000204262, COL5A2, collagen type V alpha 2 chain, [Score=60.5, Expect=8e-08]} {Celegans: WBGene00003752, nlp-14, Neuropeptide-Like Protein, [Score=62.4, Expect=7e-10]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_1070_0_1, dd_Smed_v6_1070_0_1, [Score=67.0, Expect=2e-10]} {RNA1509_21072, RNA1509_24182, RNA1509_3905, RNA1509_425, RNA1509_58128} {RNA1310_1632.1, RNA1509_21072, RNA1509_24182, RNA1509_3905, RNA1509_58128} {RNA1509_21072, RNA1509_24182, RNA1509_3905, RNA1509_58128, RNA815_54} {SMEDTYPE: Muscle [dd_Smed_v6_1070_0_1, collagen, type II, alpha 1 (COL2A1)]} {SMEDTYPE: Xins [raj_facs_types]} {SMEDTYPE: Asexual_biased [CUFF.392113.0]}
15. MligTC455_21868 Mlig455_027315 2.98


 Int S/G2/M 


Mlig455_027315 {REF} {Length: 971} {RNA1509_3956} {RNA1310_33946} {RNA815_16264.2}
16. MligTC455_49980 Mlig455_058874, Mlig455_029292 2.96


Mlig455_058874 {REF} {Length: 3765} {TRANSSPLICED} {RNA1509_944} {RNA1310_3053.1} {RNA815_3972}

Mlig455_029292 {REF} {Length: 3895} {RNA1509_944} {RNA1310_3053.1} {RNA815_3972}
17. MligTC455_33618 Mlig455_044062 2.91


Mlig455_044062 {REF} {Length: 1331} {RNA1509_12693, RNA1509_2349, RNA1509_2757, RNA1509_3926, RNA1509_5702} {RNA1310_37722, RNA1509_12693, RNA1509_2349, RNA1509_2757, RNA1509_3926, RNA1509_5702} {RNA1509_12693, RNA1509_2349, RNA1509_2757, RNA1509_3926, RNA1509_5702, RNA815_18076.1}
18. MligTC455_25717 Mlig455_000126 2.9


Mlig455_000126 {REF} {Length: 2044} {Celegans: WBGene00009362, F33E2.6, [Score=50.4, Expect=2e-06]} {RNA1509_12717, RNA1509_2202, RNA1509_5260, RNA1509_975} {RNA1310_19387, RNA1509_12717, RNA1509_2202, RNA1509_5260} {RNA1509_12717, RNA1509_2202, RNA1509_5260, RNA815_16539}
19. MligTC455_14555 Mlig455_043943 2.87


Testis Mlig455_043943 {REF} {Length: 2666} {Pfam: Zinc finger C-x8-C-x5-C-x3-H type (and similar) [PF00642.26, score=42.0]; CCCH-type zinc finger [PF18044.3, score=36.0]; RNA-binding, Nab2-type zinc finger [PF14608.8, score=21.8]; Zinc finger domain [PF18345.3, score=21.4]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000042851, Zc3h6, zinc finger CCCH type containing 6, [Score=48.5, Expect=1e-05]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_80059_0_1, dd_Smed_v6_80059_0_1, [RH, Score=95.5, Expect=5e-24]} {RNA1509_112} {RNA1310_23711.1} {RNA815_8718} {SMEDTYPE: Testis [Contig4332_SE3]}
20. MligTC455_16450 Mlig455_071086 2.86 Muscle; Xins; Asexual_biased HMCN2 Mlig455_071086 {REF} {Length: 3368} {Pfam: von Willebrand factor type A domain [PF13519.8, score=87.4]; von Willebrand factor type A domain [PF00092.30, score=56.7]; DNA gyrase B [PF00204.27, score=20.3]} {Human: ENSG00000148357, HMCN2, hemicentin 2, [Score=80.9, Expect=7e-15]; ENSG00000143341, HMCN1, hemicentin 1, [Score=77.0, Expect=1e-13]} {Mouse: ENSMUSG00000066842, Hmcn1, hemicentin 1, [Score=76.3, Expect=1e-13]; ENSMUSG00000055632, Hmcn2, hemicentin 2, [Score=73.6, Expect=6e-13]; ENSMUSG00000007030, Vwa7, von Willebrand factor A domain containing 7, [Score=73.2, Expect=7e-13]} {Celegans: WBGene00001863, him-4, Hemicentin; High Incidence of Males (Increased X chromosome loss), [Score=89.7, Expect=5e-18]} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_1161_0_1, dd_Smed_v6_1161_0_1, [Score=79.7, Expect=5e-15]} {RNA1509_30517} {RNA1310_5647.1} {RNA815_1802.1} {SMEDTYPE: Muscle [dd_Smed_v6_1161_0_1, hemicentin 1 (HMCN1)]} {SMEDTYPE: Xins [raj_facs_types]} {SMEDTYPE: Asexual_biased [CUFF.176143.0]}
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